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April 09, 2015 Town Meeting Minutes

Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
    April 9, 2015

Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  

In attendance:  CMs, Riazi and Thorpe.

Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes – Town Meeting        3/12/15

Minutes – Worksession         3/26/15

Chief’s Report

Chief Robshaw SHA is removing and replacing the sidewalks on Landover Road.  Please walk up on the grass rather than crossing the street where there is no sidewalk.  We have a lookout for a suspect that seriously stabbed a patron at the Cheverly Food Mart.  We will post his picture on the Town website.  The U.S. Secret Service has sent a graphic artist and we now have a graphic picture of the person committing burglaries and hopefully we will identify this suspect.  We are working to notify and remove non-functional vehicles in the town.  If you can’t fix it or get it running consider donating it to charity and get a tax write-off.  We should be purchasing new body cameras that have a greater capability than the old ones.  We can then show on one’s cell phone what the video looks like that they just captured.  

Town Administrator’s Report

Mr. Warrington the Mayor and Council made a budget adjustment at the last Worksession and we are ordering more of the 30 gallon rolling recycling bins for purchase at a discounted price of $20.  We are taking orders for mulch and should start deliveries in April.

Recreation Council

Barbara Pejokovich we had over 200 children for the Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday.  This weekend is our annual April Flea Market.  The money for the tables is used for 3 $500 scholarships for seniors who live in Cheverly and are going to college.  At our next meeting we will be discussing the summer playground that will probably be at Spellman.  

Green Infrastructure Committee

Ms. Shiela Salo. This Cheverly Day’s theme is wild cheverly.  We are sponsoring a photo contest please submit your photographs.  You can drop them off from Monday May 11th to Friday, May 15th at the Town Offices.  Come out and explore our bio blitz on the morning of Cheverly Day to help identify species of plants, trees, shrubs, fungus and other creatures in Cheverly.  If you would like to volunteer call me   Go to to get all the details of the contest.

Cheverly Day Committee

CM Thorpe Cheverly Day is May 16th and there are lots of activities.  Wild Cheverly is nature and keep Cheverly Wild is animals and plants.  There is music, mini golf, activities for the kids, the mid-way and food.  We do survive in part by your donations.  You can go to or and donate.

Planning Board Report

Mayor Callahan there is going to be a park planning process and we have discussed having a liaison form the Planning Board work closely with this project.  Feel free to stop by the Planning Board Meeting.  There is a County Cheverly Plan that is out to bid right now and we are going to work with MNCPPC and interweave that with the Envision Cheverly activities.  We will continue to talk about the Ridges.  

Citizen Input

Mr. Dave Murky wanted to bring to your attention that at Euclid and Lake there are 10 children within 3 houses and we are trying to get people to stop at the stop sign.  They roll right through it or roll through the stop.  Perhaps we can decrease the sight distance or increasing the curb around the island.  We have trying to get help from the Town, but feel we are getting stonewalled.  We want to get people to stop.

Mr. George Brenning from 6007 Euclid for 20 years.  What Mr. Murky is talking about is exacerbated in the summer when people from Capital Hill are trying to get to the pool.  We did have a speed hump put in some years ago.  They are doing a California stop at the Lake and Euclid stop sign.  Our speed problem is seasonal and is a summertime problem.  

Ms. Jennifer Stidard from 6501 Euclid and have lived there for 10 years.  The rolling stop or no stop at all is a problem.  At that stop sign the kids do play in the front yard where the play equipment is located.  My daughter is severely deaf and her perception of traffic is mainly visual.

Mayor and Council Announcements

CM Riazi once again this was the 9th year of about 250 college students coming to Cheverly and cleaning-up our waterways and picking-up trash as their spring break activity.  This year they sorted the trash to see the types of trash like Styrofoam.  Thanks to them for what they did.  On April 28th we will have the meet the candidates forum, so please come out.

CM Thorpe the Town is building a stage and we should have it built by Cheverly Day.  I am not running for Council again and I have enjoyed working on and with the Council.  The person running for my seat is young and will be a good contributor.

Mayor a developer is going to develop the 10 vacant lots on Joslyn.  He has permits to move forward on three of them.  The final 7 will require a comprehensive stormwater plan.  We have a new Principal, Brandi Smith, at Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary.  We purchased the property at 6301 Kilmer and it will take us a while to get everyone’s input and then get to planning and facilitation.  There is a meeting on April 15th about Aggregate Industries, which is a recycling facility off of Sheriff Road and we can provide input in that process.  The agenda for the Worksession is: a vehicle exception, amending our policy and procedures for Public Information Requests, Budget discussions and a Euclid Street discussion.

Public Hearing Amending the Town Park Master Plan

Mr. Warrington the Mayor and Council have been asked by the Boys and Girls Club to eliminate the field that is closest to the Public Works yard.  They feel that the other fields will be more productive, playable and safer.  This is the first of 3 public hearings before amending the Master Plan.

Introduction of the FY16 Operating Budget and C.I.P.

Mr. Warrington explained that this will be our guide and marching documents for all the operations and capital improvements for the Town for the next 12 months.  Last year we spent $967,000 in the red last year.  Now with the new assessments we will see that the additional revenue will greatly lessen the red ink.  We have to make our bond payment on the Police Station of $109,000 and the Refuse Vehicle at $78,000.  The State is requiring us to put a canopy over our gas pumps and to cover our salt storage bin in order to contain any contaminants on site and out of the water system.  We have a capital item of a new copier in the Police Department and a car to be added to the fleet.  We will add one and retire one in order to avoid multiple cars in one year.  Our recycling is working as our dumping fees have remained steady in spite of higher fees to dump.  We are recycling appliances and also factors into the constant amount of dumping.  We have $200,000 for road projects and we will continue to chase WSSC.  Next year WSSC will be working on Cheverly Avenue and they will be repaving the entire roadway, which will save us close to a million dollars.  This is the preliminary budget and it will change over the next few months prior to adoption at the June Town Meeting.

Mayor I want to congratulate the Town Staff when we faced the three years of lower assessments we raised the tax rate, but not the tax revenue.  The Staff managed to keep the deficit at $900,000 while adding a $300,000 expense, which was the purchase of 6301 Kilmer Street property.  We will be starting with approximately $1 million in our fund balance.

CM Riazi please provide input to your Councilmembers about the budget and what you want.

Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
April 9, 2015
No actions taken